Welcome to the fourth and final part of our blog series, “Chiropractic Through the Ages.” The focus today is on maintaining one’s health over the age of 40. Of course, this statement implies that one is healthy entering his/her 40s. So, let’s assume that you have been living intentionally and being proactive about your health up until this point… practicing clean eating, getting regular exercise, drinking lots of water, sleeping 8+ hours, keeping your nervous and immune system in tiptop shape with proper chiropractic care, etc. If this doesn’t necessarily describe you, pay attention anyway! : )

Let me first mention that the age group most likely to utilize alternative or complementary healthcare is the 40-64 population. In regard to chiropractic care specifically, they are 15% more likely to use it than young adults (aged 18-39) and 20% more likely than seniors (aged 65+). Despite these statistics, chiropractic remains a highly effective approach to treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, along with the effects of these disorders on general health for ALL age groups. Let’s think of the spine as the central structure around which the rest of the body is built. When the spine is out of alignment, that causes other misalignments, which often translate to discomfort in different areas all throughout the body.

As we saw in our last piece, it is common to experience some weakening of the muscles later in life. It is also fairly common to experience blood pressure, hormonal, and arthritis issues. The nervous system is responsible for translating information from your brain to the rest of your body’s systems and vice versa. So, it’s not surprising that chiropractic care can address many sources of discomfort or dis-ease. A study conducted at the University of Chicago hypertension center is one of many that showed regular chiropractic adjustments can significantly lower high-blood pressure, result in fewer headaches/migraines, and alleviate anxiety. This is because when all the systems of your body are able to communicate efficiently, then everything just works better. When everything works better, the aging process can be a much less intimidating beast.

Now, it goes without saying that healthy hormone levels can play a critical role in health and happiness, particularly for women. “When your body is able to regulate and balance hormones, everything feels better and works more efficiently.”  Other studies show that chiropractic care can be quite helpful for hormonal issues that women face throughout various phases of adulthood. It can improve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including the painful cramping known as dysmenorrhea, perimenopause, and even menopause itself. Menopause is a universal female experience that none of us will escape. While some women experience few to no symptoms, most of us do. These include:

  • Hot flashes- 75 to 85% of women in the U.S. have reported these sudden feelings of exasperating warmth
  • Mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, & irritability
  • Exhaustion- an almost constant feeling of tiredness
  • Sleep Disorders- more than 60% of women report difficulty sleeping

Most of these are addressable through alternative treatments such as regular chiropractic care. Again, we keep seeing that a body in balance is able to heal itself in ways we might not expect, and this hormonal “realignment” is just another major benefit of chiropractic care for aging adults.

Another challenge that many older adults face at some point in their lives is osteoarthritis. According to Scott Haldeman, MD, a neurologist in Santa Ana, California and Chairman Emeritus of the Research Council for the World Federation of Chiropractic, chiropractic is one of the safest therapies you can use to treat the stiffness and discomfort associated with osteoarthritis. Since this is a dysfunction of the joints, it may respond really well to mobilization. Manipulation is most often performed by chiropractors and usually has positive effects on such conditions. In fact, there are more than 150 techniques that chiropractors use to manually adjust the spine, joints, and muscles with varying degrees of force to obtain desired wellness results in adults. Older adults can also benefit from chiropractic care with a decreased risk of falling due to better balance and stronger joints, disease prevention due to a stronger immune system, and less overall discomfort due to a healthier nervous system.

In summary, it is becoming increasingly more evident that preventive treatments and alternative healthcare can be just as effective and sometimes more effective than traditional medicine for people of all ages. In fact, The American College of Physicians released new evidence-based guidelines in early 2017. It now emphatically supports the use of nonpharmacologic therapies, such as chiropractic and acupuncture, as first-line treatments for neck and low back issues, before resorting to the use of medication or surgery. What are you waiting for??? Give us a call today 😊












As we have seen leading up to now, chiropractic is an incredible choice for people of all ages… and we mean, ALL ages. This is because chiropractic care focuses on prevention and setting people up for success by putting them on a path to wellness. One of the biggest points we try to emphasize is- don’t wait until you NEED a chiropractor to see a chiropractor. Embrace wellness early in life and use chiropractic as a method of staying healthy as opposed to a method of treatment once you’re suffering from dis-ease. When it comes to any disease, including osteoarthritis of the spine, the process can be stalled or deterred with proper care. Similar to taking care of your teeth before they rot or eating clean before you become overweight, many younger people are starting to take care of their spine before it becomes weak and compromises other bodily systems. Today, we’ll

look at challenges that many people face in their 20s and 30s without proper education and chiropractic support.

People in their twenties have historically been viewed as young and healthy… life hasn’t taken its toll yet. However, having become inundated by technology, young adults are one of the highest-risk categories of people for something called “Text Neck.” Think about it. When did the widespread use of cellphones and communicating via text messaging become prominent? Around the turn of the century. But Text Neck refers to all sorts of technological communication and activities. This would include laptops, tablets, cellphones, gaming, etc. These now young adults were born around the turn of the century and have grown up knowing nothing else. The discomfort that comes from looking down at a screen for hours on end is a concern, especially for teens and early 20-somethings, as it could lead to an early onset of arthritis before the age of 30. It tends to ruin the underlying structure of their necks to a point that it will be exceedingly difficult to repair. One of the primary focuses of chiropractic is proper ergonomics. We’ve blogged about it, as have thousands of other chiropractic practices, because it is SO important. When a young adult visits us, we educate them on how to position their bodies and hold their heads during screen time and encourage them to intentionally limit the amount of time spent on their devices. Another reason that chiropractic care can be so effective for people in their 20s is precisely because they’ve likely endured less physical and emotional trauma than their older counterparts. So, this is a great time in one’s life to practice prevention. Maintaining a healthy spine and joints is a great prescription for a healthy future.

Don’t think that people in their 30s are exempt from the phenomenon of Text Neck. Those aged 30-39 have likely also been surrounded by technology for the vast majority of their lives and can suffer from the associated discomfort, too. Aside from this though, your 30s is the phase of your life where it becomes increasingly evident that you’re getting older. Various aches and pains as well as some muscle weakness tend to creep their way in and it’s no longer easy to just spring out of bed in the morning. One of the reasons our health tends to deteriorate more rapidly at this phase of our lives is because these physical challenges will often make exercising more difficult and consequently cause us to shy away from maintaining an active lifestyle. What a catch-22! We stop exercising frequently due to this sort of discomfort, yet we are more prone to physical challenges as a result of less exercise. According to alternativemedicine.com, “even though getting on top of your health is a good idea at any point in life, your 30s is kind of the last chance to take advantage of your relative youth and combine it with healthy habits.” Take this to heart from those of us who have experienced it.

An effective chiropractor will utilize treatments, including joint manipulation, physical therapy modalities, patient education, manual therapy, nutrition, and rehabilitation exercises to address each patient’s unique challenges. Proper care like this is often a fast pass to an easier aging process. Chiropractors can assist in keeping your nervous system healthy, keep the body loose and flexible, and encourage regular mobility so that maintaining a healthy lifestyle as you begin to age is more feasible. Chiropractors also approach your health more holistically, which means they’ll help guide you toward your own personal ideal state of health, thus promoting healthy living both now as well as for the rest of your life.









Chiropractic “Through the Ages”

Part Two: Children (infants through teens)

Last time we looked at the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. Today we’ll discuss chiropractic care for children. By definition, chiropractic means: a system of integrative practices based on the diagnosis and treatment of misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spinal column, which are held to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs. Such a misalignment or dislocation is referred to as a “subluxation.” One doesn’t have to be a particular age to suffer from a subluxation so it goes without saying that people of all ages can benefit from chiropractic care.

It’s understandable if someone might hesitate to bring a newborn to a chiropractor if he/she is not familiar with how babies get adjusted. In reality, chiropractors adjust babies even more gently than they do their older patients. So gently, in fact, that at times the baby won’t even notice the adjustment. The amount of pressure applied when adjusting a baby has often been compared to the pressure you use when checking a tomato for ripeness. It’s imperative to an infant’s health to be properly aligned because when a baby has a misaligned spine, the nerves that flow out to the rest of his/her organs become compromised. So, the goal is to take pressure and nerve stress off the spine so your baby’s body can properly express itself. According to experts at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, regular Chiropractic care can help relieve the following in babies:

  • Ear infections and earaches
  • Colic and acid reflux
  • Fussiness
  • Feeding and breastfeeding/latching issues

It’s important to remember that infants are little humans, not just some tiny, uber-fragile beings sent from above. They have a nervous system and immune system like the rest of us and those systems need proper support such as the support gained from proper chiropractic care.

So, now your baby isn’t a baby anymore. He is a walking, talking little guy that constantly keeps you on your toes. His body and bodily systems are in their developmental years. This is a crucial time to pay attention to the state of his health, particularly his nervous system. From his spinal cord are nerves that go to every organ, gland, tissue, muscle, and cell of the body. If any part of this system is compromised, he could react with constipation, colic, bed wetting, ear infections, torticollis, fussiness, trouble sleeping, reflux and so on. It is the spine’s responsibility to protect the nervous system and our responsibility to ensure that it is moving properly and in good alignment. You may be asking yourself, “he’s really young and hasn’t ever really hurt himself so why would his spine be out of alignment?” Children endure a host of trauma that may go unnoticed. This trauma may even date back to when he was in the womb, as we discussed last time, and could include in utero constraints, birth trauma, malpositioning (breech), c-section, birth intervention (forceps/vacuum suction), etc. And now that he is getting around, he’s bound to have accidents from time to time.  Even small falls are enough force to shift the spine out of alignment.

In addition, we are seeing children of all ages battling emotional stress. Both chemical stress (from vaccines, antibiotics, medication, diet) and emotional stress will often result in a fight/flight response and tension in a child’s musculature that supports his spine. Tense muscles can misalign the spine and cause subluxation. We tend to see more trauma from emotional and chemical stress as the child gets older. This can be due to several reasons… adopting unhealthy coping and/or dietary habits, injuries from playing sports, challenges with growth spurts in and around puberty, etc. Chiropractic care can help teens in so many ways. When children and young teens grow, not everything grows at the same rate, meaning some parts of the body grow more slowly or much more quickly than other parts. This can cause both growing pains as well as imbalance and awkwardness. Regular adjustments during this period of a teen’s life can help ensure efficient functioning of the spine and nervous system. Consequently, pain can start to diminish, and overall balance of the body can improve.

Teens are also prone to injury. This could be due to playing sports or just because their ability to practice good judgment hasn’t fully developed yet. As we have learned by now, regular chiropractic care keeps the nervous system in proper working condition and strengthens the immune system. Nothing is better for speeding up the body’s natural healing process more than a healthy nervous system partnered with a strong immune system. Something else to consider is that children of all ages usually learn habits from their parents, whether healthy or not. By taking them for chiropractic care, you’re teaching them that “prevention matters.” What a great way to set them up for success as they head into adulthood?!?









There are approximately 10,379 births each day in the U.S. That means there are a lot of expectant Mommies out there! Expecting a baby is an exciting time in a woman’s life. However, there are so many hormonal and physical changes her body will experience. Some of these changes will affect both posture and comfort. This makes sense because the rapid pace at which a baby grows will naturally change her center of gravity. It is normal for her body to adjust accordingly. Many women experience back pain and fatigue during pregnancy but there are a host of other physical challenges that can be in store, too. These include a protruding abdomen that causes an increased curve of the spine, changes to the pelvis as the body prepares for delivery, and misaligned joints. Chiropractic care during pregnancy can address these issues.

A growing belly can easily throw one’s pelvis out of position. A misaligned pelvis may cause a condition known as “in utero constraint,” or “intrauterine constraint.” In utero constraint is defined as: a condition in which fetal movement is restricted, often resulting in potentially adverse effects to its development throughout pregnancy. This can make it particularly difficult for your developed baby to get into the best position for birth, which is back-facing, head down. As many of us know, when a baby is not in this ideal position it can prevent the woman from being able to experience a natural, non-invasive birth. C-sections and other modifications to the traditional birthing process can have grave emotional effects on the mother. A 2019 study from the University of New York showed that first time mothers who had to give birth via an unplanned c-section are 15% more likely to experience life-altering postpartum depression and other mental health issues.

These pelvic misalignments can cause the uterus to twist and pull, tightening the muscles of the uterine wall. As we’ve already discussed, this means a restricted amount of space available to your baby. When the baby can no longer move freely, and becomes stuck in the wrong or unnatural position, it may cause compression or twisting of the baby’s neck and spine. It may also cause something known as back labor pain… sharp and intense lower back pain that happens during, and sometimes between, labor contractions.

Back pain is a common symptom of pregnancy mostly due to the belly weight gain that affects the center of gravity and the pregnancy hormone “relaxin” that loosens ligaments which normally provide support. However, back labor pain is experienced in approximately 25% of births according to various studies and is reported by many to be excruciating in nature. Aside from the pain, the other reasons back labor can be of concern is because it also increases the risk for prolonged labor, an episiotomy, assistance with forceps or vacuum extraction, and the need to induce labor. In a survey taken of 82 certified nurse-midwives, 94% reported that they recommended patients to alternative health care providers and 58% of those specifically recommended chiropractic care for an easier, less painful, and successful delivery.

Lastly, let’s circle back to the point that being in the best physical condition possible and focusing on total optimal health is important for so many reasons. Regarding this particular matter, making sure a woman’s spine and joints are properly aligned helps keep her nerves in ideal working condition. Nerves control contractions and also dilate the cervix during labor and delivery. Optimal nerve health can enable her to experience a shorter labor and easier delivery with less pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care hugely focuses on a healthy nervous system, So, if you’re expecting, we’ll be expecting you!










