We spend roughly one third of our lives in bed. Think about that. 33% of your life is spent on your mattress. Although many factors come into play that will help determine the quality of your sleep, the state of your nervous system and the amount of tension you’re carrying in your body are the biggest factors. So, what should we or shouldn’t we be looking for when mattress shopping? Let’s start with what we don’t recommend. Tempurpedic and memory foam mattresses are not ones we particularly recommend. I know, right?! They are everywhere! But there are a few reasons you should expand your search to find an alternative. These types of mattresses are generally not exceptionally durable. And I know if you’re dropping a pretty penny on a new mattress, you want it to last awhile. Also, these mattresses sometimes contain chemicals that are not healthy for anyone. In fact, most mattresses contain some kind of petroleum based chemicals, toxic foams, synthetic fabrics, and/or fire retardant barriers. These chemicals have been found to off-gas, exposing your family to dangerous levels of toxins while they sleep. Eek!!! We’ll talk about organic mattresses later on.

Memory foam, specifically, tends to cast your body into a mold per se. While it may be comfortable at first encounter, the ability of memory foam to mold to the body has caused people to report feeling stuck or as if they are sinking into their bed. Experts agree that our bodies actually need to be able to move freely while sleeping and sinking into your mattress may hinder that. The contouring around the body that I mentioned can also limit airflow, causing heat buildup in the mattress and on the skin. So, if you sleep “hot,” these mattresses may not be ideal. And while on the topic of soft memory foam, let me mention that pillow top mattresses are not really great for us either. They also seem rather comfortable to many people, but they lack firmness needed to provide your body with proper support during the night which is critical. It’s safe to conclude that a mid-firm mattress is most ideal. This is because it will provide the support necessary for spinal health but not put so much pressure on the sacrum, the shoulders, and the back of the head that it can throw you out of alignment.

Now for the “dos!” It is widely recommended to get a new mattress approximately once every 10 years or when it no longer does its job. By now we know that doing its job includes supporting the body without throwing your spine or hips out of alignment, allowing your body to move freely, not causing you to over-heat, and not exposing you to carcinogens while you sleep. Believe or not, we are going to suggest an old-school coil mattress with as little pillow top as possible. That’s right! Sometimes basic is best. Then there’s the “flipping” of the mattress, a.k.a. “rotating.” This practice is especially important when you have a two people in which there is a substantial weight difference. Although most modern mattresses are more resilient to this uneven wear and tear than their predecessors, it’s still a wise practice to rotate your mattress. Rotating the mattress horizontally (in a clockwise fashion) is recommended once every six months or so. This is will help extend the life of your mattress.

Earlier, I mentioned organic mattresses. Organic mattresses contain natural materials that smolder instead of igniting, which means they are made without toxic flame retardant chemicals. In other words, they don’t off-gas nearly as many harmful chemicals that can negatively impact your health. Our favorite kind of organic mattress is a bamboo mattress. That is because comparatively, it is one of the cleanest and coolest materials you can use. You’ll find that many bamboo fiber products are hypoallergenic. This way, they give no room for bacteria and fungi to build upon them. They’re also regarded to be “free from wetness.” A bamboo mattress will absorb any moisture on them so even as it tries to regulate body temperatures, it will soak up any sweat released, preventing it from accumulating. And while lying on a bamboo mattress, your spine will be positioned properly and supported fully while avoiding many aches and pains commonly associated with other types of mattresses. The result is a comfortable night’s sleep, ensuring you wake up relaxed at dawn.

There we have it. It’s probably more than you ever wanted to know about mattresses. But as I always mention, your total optimal health is the most important thing to us at Corey Chiropractic. And a consistent good night’s sleep is absolutely critical to maintaining good health. But it’s important to note that if you are not getting regular chiropractic adjustments, it doesn’t matter what kind of mattress you have. Getting adjusted allows for the most range of motion in your body and helps optimize your nervous system. A mattress should be used as a tool to maintain your ideal state of health once you’ve achieved it. Thanks for stopping by!











Welcome to the fourth and final part of our blog series, “Chiropractic Through the Ages.” The focus today is on maintaining one’s health over the age of 40. Of course, this statement implies that one is healthy entering his/her 40s. So, let’s assume that you have been living intentionally and being proactive about your health up until this point… practicing clean eating, getting regular exercise, drinking lots of water, sleeping 8+ hours, keeping your nervous and immune system in tiptop shape with proper chiropractic care, etc. If this doesn’t necessarily describe you, pay attention anyway! : )

Let me first mention that the age group most likely to utilize alternative or complementary healthcare is the 40-64 population. In regard to chiropractic care specifically, they are 15% more likely to use it than young adults (aged 18-39) and 20% more likely than seniors (aged 65+). Despite these statistics, chiropractic remains a highly effective approach to treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, along with the effects of these disorders on general health for ALL age groups. Let’s think of the spine as the central structure around which the rest of the body is built. When the spine is out of alignment, that causes other misalignments, which often translate to discomfort in different areas all throughout the body.

As we saw in our last piece, it is common to experience some weakening of the muscles later in life. It is also fairly common to experience blood pressure, hormonal, and arthritis issues. The nervous system is responsible for translating information from your brain to the rest of your body’s systems and vice versa. So, it’s not surprising that chiropractic care can address many sources of discomfort or dis-ease. A study conducted at the University of Chicago hypertension center is one of many that showed regular chiropractic adjustments can significantly lower high-blood pressure, result in fewer headaches/migraines, and alleviate anxiety. This is because when all the systems of your body are able to communicate efficiently, then everything just works better. When everything works better, the aging process can be a much less intimidating beast.

Now, it goes without saying that healthy hormone levels can play a critical role in health and happiness, particularly for women. “When your body is able to regulate and balance hormones, everything feels better and works more efficiently.”  Other studies show that chiropractic care can be quite helpful for hormonal issues that women face throughout various phases of adulthood. It can improve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including the painful cramping known as dysmenorrhea, perimenopause, and even menopause itself. Menopause is a universal female experience that none of us will escape. While some women experience few to no symptoms, most of us do. These include:

  • Hot flashes- 75 to 85% of women in the U.S. have reported these sudden feelings of exasperating warmth
  • Mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, & irritability
  • Exhaustion- an almost constant feeling of tiredness
  • Sleep Disorders- more than 60% of women report difficulty sleeping

Most of these are addressable through alternative treatments such as regular chiropractic care. Again, we keep seeing that a body in balance is able to heal itself in ways we might not expect, and this hormonal “realignment” is just another major benefit of chiropractic care for aging adults.

Another challenge that many older adults face at some point in their lives is osteoarthritis. According to Scott Haldeman, MD, a neurologist in Santa Ana, California and Chairman Emeritus of the Research Council for the World Federation of Chiropractic, chiropractic is one of the safest therapies you can use to treat the stiffness and discomfort associated with osteoarthritis. Since this is a dysfunction of the joints, it may respond really well to mobilization. Manipulation is most often performed by chiropractors and usually has positive effects on such conditions. In fact, there are more than 150 techniques that chiropractors use to manually adjust the spine, joints, and muscles with varying degrees of force to obtain desired wellness results in adults. Older adults can also benefit from chiropractic care with a decreased risk of falling due to better balance and stronger joints, disease prevention due to a stronger immune system, and less overall discomfort due to a healthier nervous system.

In summary, it is becoming increasingly more evident that preventive treatments and alternative healthcare can be just as effective and sometimes more effective than traditional medicine for people of all ages. In fact, The American College of Physicians released new evidence-based guidelines in early 2017. It now emphatically supports the use of nonpharmacologic therapies, such as chiropractic and acupuncture, as first-line treatments for neck and low back issues, before resorting to the use of medication or surgery. What are you waiting for??? Give us a call today 😊












As we have seen leading up to now, chiropractic is an incredible choice for people of all ages… and we mean, ALL ages. This is because chiropractic care focuses on prevention and setting people up for success by putting them on a path to wellness. One of the biggest points we try to emphasize is- don’t wait until you NEED a chiropractor to see a chiropractor. Embrace wellness early in life and use chiropractic as a method of staying healthy as opposed to a method of treatment once you’re suffering from dis-ease. When it comes to any disease, including osteoarthritis of the spine, the process can be stalled or deterred with proper care. Similar to taking care of your teeth before they rot or eating clean before you become overweight, many younger people are starting to take care of their spine before it becomes weak and compromises other bodily systems. Today, we’ll

look at challenges that many people face in their 20s and 30s without proper education and chiropractic support.

People in their twenties have historically been viewed as young and healthy… life hasn’t taken its toll yet. However, having become inundated by technology, young adults are one of the highest-risk categories of people for something called “Text Neck.” Think about it. When did the widespread use of cellphones and communicating via text messaging become prominent? Around the turn of the century. But Text Neck refers to all sorts of technological communication and activities. This would include laptops, tablets, cellphones, gaming, etc. These now young adults were born around the turn of the century and have grown up knowing nothing else. The discomfort that comes from looking down at a screen for hours on end is a concern, especially for teens and early 20-somethings, as it could lead to an early onset of arthritis before the age of 30. It tends to ruin the underlying structure of their necks to a point that it will be exceedingly difficult to repair. One of the primary focuses of chiropractic is proper ergonomics. We’ve blogged about it, as have thousands of other chiropractic practices, because it is SO important. When a young adult visits us, we educate them on how to position their bodies and hold their heads during screen time and encourage them to intentionally limit the amount of time spent on their devices. Another reason that chiropractic care can be so effective for people in their 20s is precisely because they’ve likely endured less physical and emotional trauma than their older counterparts. So, this is a great time in one’s life to practice prevention. Maintaining a healthy spine and joints is a great prescription for a healthy future.

Don’t think that people in their 30s are exempt from the phenomenon of Text Neck. Those aged 30-39 have likely also been surrounded by technology for the vast majority of their lives and can suffer from the associated discomfort, too. Aside from this though, your 30s is the phase of your life where it becomes increasingly evident that you’re getting older. Various aches and pains as well as some muscle weakness tend to creep their way in and it’s no longer easy to just spring out of bed in the morning. One of the reasons our health tends to deteriorate more rapidly at this phase of our lives is because these physical challenges will often make exercising more difficult and consequently cause us to shy away from maintaining an active lifestyle. What a catch-22! We stop exercising frequently due to this sort of discomfort, yet we are more prone to physical challenges as a result of less exercise. According to alternativemedicine.com, “even though getting on top of your health is a good idea at any point in life, your 30s is kind of the last chance to take advantage of your relative youth and combine it with healthy habits.” Take this to heart from those of us who have experienced it.

An effective chiropractor will utilize treatments, including joint manipulation, physical therapy modalities, patient education, manual therapy, nutrition, and rehabilitation exercises to address each patient’s unique challenges. Proper care like this is often a fast pass to an easier aging process. Chiropractors can assist in keeping your nervous system healthy, keep the body loose and flexible, and encourage regular mobility so that maintaining a healthy lifestyle as you begin to age is more feasible. Chiropractors also approach your health more holistically, which means they’ll help guide you toward your own personal ideal state of health, thus promoting healthy living both now as well as for the rest of your life.









Chiropractic “Through the Ages”

Part Two: Children (infants through teens)

Last time we looked at the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. Today we’ll discuss chiropractic care for children. By definition, chiropractic means: a system of integrative practices based on the diagnosis and treatment of misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spinal column, which are held to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs. Such a misalignment or dislocation is referred to as a “subluxation.” One doesn’t have to be a particular age to suffer from a subluxation so it goes without saying that people of all ages can benefit from chiropractic care.

It’s understandable if someone might hesitate to bring a newborn to a chiropractor if he/she is not familiar with how babies get adjusted. In reality, chiropractors adjust babies even more gently than they do their older patients. So gently, in fact, that at times the baby won’t even notice the adjustment. The amount of pressure applied when adjusting a baby has often been compared to the pressure you use when checking a tomato for ripeness. It’s imperative to an infant’s health to be properly aligned because when a baby has a misaligned spine, the nerves that flow out to the rest of his/her organs become compromised. So, the goal is to take pressure and nerve stress off the spine so your baby’s body can properly express itself. According to experts at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, regular Chiropractic care can help relieve the following in babies:

  • Ear infections and earaches
  • Colic and acid reflux
  • Fussiness
  • Feeding and breastfeeding/latching issues

It’s important to remember that infants are little humans, not just some tiny, uber-fragile beings sent from above. They have a nervous system and immune system like the rest of us and those systems need proper support such as the support gained from proper chiropractic care.

So, now your baby isn’t a baby anymore. He is a walking, talking little guy that constantly keeps you on your toes. His body and bodily systems are in their developmental years. This is a crucial time to pay attention to the state of his health, particularly his nervous system. From his spinal cord are nerves that go to every organ, gland, tissue, muscle, and cell of the body. If any part of this system is compromised, he could react with constipation, colic, bed wetting, ear infections, torticollis, fussiness, trouble sleeping, reflux and so on. It is the spine’s responsibility to protect the nervous system and our responsibility to ensure that it is moving properly and in good alignment. You may be asking yourself, “he’s really young and hasn’t ever really hurt himself so why would his spine be out of alignment?” Children endure a host of trauma that may go unnoticed. This trauma may even date back to when he was in the womb, as we discussed last time, and could include in utero constraints, birth trauma, malpositioning (breech), c-section, birth intervention (forceps/vacuum suction), etc. And now that he is getting around, he’s bound to have accidents from time to time.  Even small falls are enough force to shift the spine out of alignment.

In addition, we are seeing children of all ages battling emotional stress. Both chemical stress (from vaccines, antibiotics, medication, diet) and emotional stress will often result in a fight/flight response and tension in a child’s musculature that supports his spine. Tense muscles can misalign the spine and cause subluxation. We tend to see more trauma from emotional and chemical stress as the child gets older. This can be due to several reasons… adopting unhealthy coping and/or dietary habits, injuries from playing sports, challenges with growth spurts in and around puberty, etc. Chiropractic care can help teens in so many ways. When children and young teens grow, not everything grows at the same rate, meaning some parts of the body grow more slowly or much more quickly than other parts. This can cause both growing pains as well as imbalance and awkwardness. Regular adjustments during this period of a teen’s life can help ensure efficient functioning of the spine and nervous system. Consequently, pain can start to diminish, and overall balance of the body can improve.

Teens are also prone to injury. This could be due to playing sports or just because their ability to practice good judgment hasn’t fully developed yet. As we have learned by now, regular chiropractic care keeps the nervous system in proper working condition and strengthens the immune system. Nothing is better for speeding up the body’s natural healing process more than a healthy nervous system partnered with a strong immune system. Something else to consider is that children of all ages usually learn habits from their parents, whether healthy or not. By taking them for chiropractic care, you’re teaching them that “prevention matters.” What a great way to set them up for success as they head into adulthood?!?









There are approximately 10,379 births each day in the U.S. That means there are a lot of expectant Mommies out there! Expecting a baby is an exciting time in a woman’s life. However, there are so many hormonal and physical changes her body will experience. Some of these changes will affect both posture and comfort. This makes sense because the rapid pace at which a baby grows will naturally change her center of gravity. It is normal for her body to adjust accordingly. Many women experience back pain and fatigue during pregnancy but there are a host of other physical challenges that can be in store, too. These include a protruding abdomen that causes an increased curve of the spine, changes to the pelvis as the body prepares for delivery, and misaligned joints. Chiropractic care during pregnancy can address these issues.

A growing belly can easily throw one’s pelvis out of position. A misaligned pelvis may cause a condition known as “in utero constraint,” or “intrauterine constraint.” In utero constraint is defined as: a condition in which fetal movement is restricted, often resulting in potentially adverse effects to its development throughout pregnancy. This can make it particularly difficult for your developed baby to get into the best position for birth, which is back-facing, head down. As many of us know, when a baby is not in this ideal position it can prevent the woman from being able to experience a natural, non-invasive birth. C-sections and other modifications to the traditional birthing process can have grave emotional effects on the mother. A 2019 study from the University of New York showed that first time mothers who had to give birth via an unplanned c-section are 15% more likely to experience life-altering postpartum depression and other mental health issues.

These pelvic misalignments can cause the uterus to twist and pull, tightening the muscles of the uterine wall. As we’ve already discussed, this means a restricted amount of space available to your baby. When the baby can no longer move freely, and becomes stuck in the wrong or unnatural position, it may cause compression or twisting of the baby’s neck and spine. It may also cause something known as back labor pain… sharp and intense lower back pain that happens during, and sometimes between, labor contractions.

Back pain is a common symptom of pregnancy mostly due to the belly weight gain that affects the center of gravity and the pregnancy hormone “relaxin” that loosens ligaments which normally provide support. However, back labor pain is experienced in approximately 25% of births according to various studies and is reported by many to be excruciating in nature. Aside from the pain, the other reasons back labor can be of concern is because it also increases the risk for prolonged labor, an episiotomy, assistance with forceps or vacuum extraction, and the need to induce labor. In a survey taken of 82 certified nurse-midwives, 94% reported that they recommended patients to alternative health care providers and 58% of those specifically recommended chiropractic care for an easier, less painful, and successful delivery.

Lastly, let’s circle back to the point that being in the best physical condition possible and focusing on total optimal health is important for so many reasons. Regarding this particular matter, making sure a woman’s spine and joints are properly aligned helps keep her nerves in ideal working condition. Nerves control contractions and also dilate the cervix during labor and delivery. Optimal nerve health can enable her to experience a shorter labor and easier delivery with less pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care hugely focuses on a healthy nervous system, So, if you’re expecting, we’ll be expecting you!














#Reframe How You Think About Germs


We’ve been programmed to think and act in certain ways by our antecedents. “Don’t touch that, it might be dirty!” “Don’t play with them, they might be sick!” “I don’t want you playing in the dirt!” Many scientists, health professionals, and researchers agree that society as a whole has become obsessed with cleanliness and sanitization efforts. We know our predecessors’ hearts were in the right place when they instilled these ideas in us, but it needs to be said that over-cleanliness and other infection suppression efforts actually damage the immune system.

Being too clean can make you sick in the long run. And before you start arguing with me, I am NOT telling you to stop washing your hands after using the restroom, to send little Johnnie to a sleepover with ebola-infected kids, or to eat off of a dirty kitchen floor. I am saying that if we do not allow our immune systems to function as they were intended, they will naturally forget how to function properly. Dr. John Craven DC, PhC said, “It is now maintained by the best authorities, among those who previously asserted that germs were the cause of dis-ease, that dis-ease may be the cause of the germs.” We’ll touch on that, too.

I get it. You don’t want someone coughing in your face. You’d rather your child not roll around in that dirt. And touching things in public places might give you the heebie-jeebies. But check this out! In able to fight off infection, the immune system must train by fighting off contaminants found in everyday life. Systems that aren’t exposed to contaminants have trouble with the heavy lifting of fighting off infections. So, by over-cleaning, over-protecting, and isolating, you actually weaken your immune system and can potentially end up with the opposite result than the one you were seeking. Please note that regular use of hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap contribute to this irony as well. In September of 2017, the FDA issued a rule saying that over-the-counter consumer antiseptic soap products containing certain ingredients can no longer be marketed to the general public. This is because those ingredients also kill good bacteria that live on our skin that we need to survive and repeated use of them may cause the remaining bacteria to develop a dangerous resistance. These resistant bacteria, known as “super bugs,” can develop properties that allow them to be invincible against most antibiotics that we have to treat infections.

Did you know that social isolation can also make you sick? Research shows that loneliness and isolation often result in increased inflammation. Inflammation is when your body tells your immune system to produce chemicals to fight off infection or injury. The theory behind this is that loneliness causes social/psychological stress and stress has been proven to increase inflammation. As we know, inflammation is the source of a grand spectrum of ailments including, but not limited to, cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Our conclusion? While it’s ok to be cautious of over-exposure, it is vital to our health and well-being to have a healthy level of exposure to germs and other contaminants. This gives our immune systems the chance to develop a “memory” of those particular microbial pathogens with a corresponding enhanced readiness to combat them at a later time. It is also of utmost importance to venture out into the world… do not isolate yourself for the psychological trauma of loneliness can make you sick, too. We are constantly striving to keep our patients as informed as possible because your wellness is our number one priority at Corey Chiropractic. Thanks for reading.


#reframe #chiropractic #getadjusted #weloveourpatients










Self-care is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health; the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of elevated stress.” This practice is essential in maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. It allows your body to produce positive feelings while boosting your confidence and self-esteem. People who practice a healthy level of self-care are more well-equipped to “tackle the world” since they typically have better self-esteem and a more positive outlook. It is no secret that this has been a more challenging year than most and the unusual levels of stress that many of us have been experiencing can make it easier to overlook the necessity of caring for yourself. We are going to look at the Why’s & How’s to Self-Care today.

We’ve already touched on the “why?” of self-care but let’s elaborate just a little. When you maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, you are better able to transmit positive healthy feelings out to the rest of the world which will attract even more positive healthy feelings back to you. Speaking of feelings, a critical part of self-care is allowing yourself to feel ALL of your feelings. You do not have to be happy all of the time no matter what society says. Life naturally throws you lemons from time to time and you’re entitled to feel sad or angry or hurt about that. Life is about balance… the yin and the yang. You cannot truly experience happiness unless you have some sadness with which it can be compared. Another reason it is essential to tune into our feelings is because ultimately it helps us make smarter decisions. Pausing, reflecting, and taking stock of sensations throughout your body during specific situations will allow you to start making cognitive connections to the feelings you have in response to them. Our emotions serve as messengers to our brain, alerting us that it’s time to pay attention to something. As you develop this skill, you will be able to use your intuition and learned experience to better navigate life’s challenges.

Scientists agree that we are all less able to manage stress and the challenges of everyday life while we’re feeling depleted from physical and emotional exhaustion. I want to point out that nothing will ever be more important to your overall well-being than a healthy diet and exercise. However, the relaxation one experiences as a result of some self-pampering can trigger a “relaxation response,” which CAN prevent chronic stress from damaging your health. So, it is safe to say that the techniques we are going to look at next are good for you both inside and out. Take notes!

I’ve already mentioned that the two best things you can do to properly care for yourself are eating a healthy diet and getting ample exercise. So those go directly to the top of the list. In my opinion, here are some other really important ones that are high-rankers. Get a good night’s sleep… not just once in a while but as consistently as possible. I get it. You have kids to care for, a house to clean, groceries that aren’t going to cook themselves, and a 40 hour work week outside the home. This is when you also get your children into good sleep hygiene. Get them on a schedule, lay bedtime ground rules with consequences if broken, and be ready to hit the hay when they do. You can also get your spouse involved. You don’t have to be the only one who soothes your crying baby, makes breakfast, or sees the kids off to school. Also, find a source of healthy takeout food for nights when cooking is going to compromise your sleep schedule. There are options. You just have to put them to use.

Practice meditation/deep breathing. If you’re at work, take just 5 minutes to go into a quiet room without distractions. Sit comfortably with your back straight, hands on your lap, palms facing upward. Close your eyes and just rest for a moment. Then breathe in the following fashion: breathe in deeply through your nose to a count of 5, hold for 5 seconds, & breathe out through your mouth to a count of 6. Then repeat 2-3 more times. You may also make a soft “om” sound to help keep your mind as still as possible for those few moments. Then open your eyes slowly and offer yourself some mindful compassion. For example, “may I be kind to myself in this moment” or “I am worthy of this moment of rest.” Deep breathing and positive affirmations work miracles for both our bodies and our minds. Use these unlimited FREE resources to your advantage. You can also take a walk in nature while practicing mindfulness. That simply means that while you’re on your walk that you keep your mind present in the moment and don’t allow it to be distracted by regrets of the past or fear of the future. But don’t forget your breathing! That is always important.

Here’s a glance at some other insanely useful resources that are both limitless and free. SLOW DOWN!!! The term, “take time to smell the roses” has great meaning. It means that we may be here on Earth for just a short time. Stop rushing through everything and take time to enjoy yourself even amongst the chaos. You should also carefully choose who you spend your time with since our time may be limited. Choosing to surround yourself with positive people who add something to your life is an extremely healthy thing to do. If they’re funny, even better! Because belly laughing is also a form of self-care that is frequently overlooked. Some other things that are free and always available to you are: learn to say “NO” without an apology, resist overthinking things that are clearly out of your control, and drink plenty of water.

Sure! Things like taking a luxurious bath in a huge soaker tub with candles, essential oils, and rose petals is awesome. If you have it, do it! But self-care doesn’t always have to look that elaborate. And if you’re not one to exercise every single day as you should, you can do plenty of other things to assist in taking care of your physical self which will greatly affect your mental self. Get a therapeutic massage, go for that chiropractic adjustment, stretch your muscles, etc. And last but certainly not least, CHOOSE TO MAKE TIME FOR YOU. There’s nobody who is more worthy! Now go love yourself 😊


“Breathe. Let go. And remember that self-care means giving the world the BEST of you instead of what’s left of you.”




-Oxford Dictionary

-VeryWellMind.com (self-care for health and stress management)

-PerimeterHealthCare.com (why self-care is so important)

-Forbes.com (practicing self-care is important)

-PsychologyToday.com (the art of self-care)

-TalkSpace.com (difference between feelings and emotions)



Hello again! Remember minimalist shoes from our kinetic chain blog? If not, go back and read it. It seems there’s a healthy trend on the rise… “Less is Best.” And by the way, Lems is a great brand of minimalist shoes to check out. Today we are expanding on the theory that less is best by talking about living a simpler life and the benefits associated with it. Minimalism is all about living with less. This includes fewer financial burdens such as debt and unnecessary expenses. For many minimalists, the philosophy is about getting rid of excess stuff and living life based on experiences rather than worldly possessions. Minimalists often put a huge emphasis on mindfulness, too. Mindfulness is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, often as a therapeutic technique.”  You may be thinking, “what does all this new age hippie crap have to do with Chiropractic?” It’s no secret that in our Chiropractic office the number one focus is your total optimal health… physical, mental, and emotional. This is a look at the effect simplicity has on your mental and emotional health which we all know can greatly affect your physical health.

The Epicureans may have gotten it right with their philosophy on life. We subscribe to it, just with a few modifications… “EAT (lots of veggies), DRINK (lots of water), & BE MERRY (while being active) for tomorrow we may die.” All joking aside, keeping life simple and living in the present moment are two very handy keys to living a life of freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve disappointingly built our lives around. A real kind of freedom. I dare you to imagine how much time you would have to savor life if you weren’t constantly tripping over all your kid’s things while trying to organize and clean your things at the same time you’re worrying about paying all the bills for everyone’s things! Kinda makes you wonder why you have so many things in the first place, huh?

You’ve heard the expression, “keeping up with the Joneses.” I feel this concept has spiraled so out of control that keeping up with them simply isn’t good enough anymore. It has infiltrated society to a point where our days are now dedicated to trying to “one up” each other instead. Whatever Mr. Jones has, mine has to be bigger and better. Remember the days when children could happily occupy themselves for hours just playing outside? These days, it’s normal for small children to be given fancy electronic devices as a means for keeping them occupied. While I realize that times change, adaptation is necessary and electronics are now a permanent part of life, I’m just saying that maybe we should be more conscious of the example we are setting for up and coming generations. Maybe by getting back to the basics, we can curtail their need to “keep up with the Joneses.”

In the beginning, it was determined that all we need to survive is food, water, and shelter. Someone re-wrote the rule book somewhere along the way because now we need:

  • a big house with a she-shed and a pool
  • a car (or 2) for every driver in the house
  • a boat
  • 27 credit cards
  • a high-stress job with a 6 figure income
  • designer clothes and accessories (the more it costs, the better)
  • a cosmic sized smart tv in every room of the house
  • the latest I-Phone on the day it’s released
  • enough food in the pantry to last a lifetime

And this is just the cliff notes. A wise person once said, “extravagance is often a picture of an unsatisfied life.” Hmmm… What are we trying to mask with all of our stuff? Or are we trying to curb boredom since we are not accustomed to just BEING?

When was the last time you tasted your food? I mean REALLY tasted your food? Smelled the smells, paced your bites, savored the unique flavors and was truly thankful to be eating something that nourished your body? Most of us run through drive-throughs, buy over-priced so called “food,” then shovel it in while we’re racing down the interstate angry at the driver in the next lane who is a just a little bit more aggressive than we are. The truth is that the very Earth we live on can provide us with the absolute healthiest of foods. But we’re too busy with our stuff that we don’t take the time to plant, water, nurture, and harvest. And when was the last time you turned off your tv and took a nature walk, without your phone? Had a picnic with your child and discussed the meaning of life? I’ll wait. I’m not judging though, because I’m guilty, too.

By now you’re saying, “I get it! We have too much stuff, we’re always in a hurry and don’t appreciate life the way we should, blah, blah, blah…” But do you get it? We’re killing ourselves in a race we weren’t designed to run. I’m not telling you to get rid of everything, go live off the grid, grow some dreadlocks, and eat only what you harvest in your own personal garden. But there’s a lot to be said for getting rid of costly unnecessary items that clutter your house, not replacing them with other costly unnecessary items, getting back to nature, hitting up the produce section once in a while, and choosing a book over Netflix. It’s not rocket science that having fewer things to worry about/fewer distractions will cause you less stress, free up time to do things that are meaningful to you and allow you to figure out what really matters to you in the first place. You might even decide that you want to start a garden!

In review, here’s a list of side effects that come from living simply:

  • More financial freedom– Having less stuff saves you money because you’re not wasting it on frivolous items and allows you to live in a smaller dwelling which will undoubtedly put your finances on more stable footing.
  • More peace of mind– Living a simple lifestyle allows you to see the reality of your situation more easily. Your mind is less stressed because it has less to worry about. It is easier to make wise decisions you feel good about when you know your principles in life.
  • Better health– By focusing on what’s most important, your stress levels will be lower, and your health will benefit. Stress can affect your mood, blood pressure, and mental health, just to name a few. People who live simply tend to focus on their health more and watch carefully what they put inside their bodies. They care about the future enough that they do not want to abuse it in the present.
  • More meaningful relationships– It’s easier to focus on the other person when your life is simple. The interaction tends to be more sincere since you’re free of the need to impress him/her. You can also be more conscientious of the people you invite into your life.
  • More selfawareness– When you’re not distracting yourself with your iPhone and other electrical gadgets and stressed about becoming a CEO before the age of 40, you have the time and mental space to learn more about yourself. You have time to reflect and be grateful for what you already have.
  • More free time– How will you spend all the extra time you’ll enjoy as a benefit of living a simple life? This is one of the greatest benefits of simple living. It can be hard to learn to relax when you’re used to running around trying to get everything done. But free time is a gift that only a lucky few of us truly get to appreciate.
  • Freedom– As mentioned earlier, freedom from fear, freedom from worry, freedom from overwhelm, freedom from guilt, freedom from depression as well as freedom from unnecessary financial burden, freedom to come and go as you wish due to less obligation, and freedom to experience life.



Now that you’ve been warned, what are you waiting for? Start Project #declutter and go find some roses to smell! In all seriousness, I invite you to a 28 day/4 week Decluttering Challenge. Choose one room each week and do some purging every day. For example, week one can be your bathroom. Get rid of samples and products you never use (makeup, hair products, nail polish, etc.), expired beauty products, duplicate items, broken styling products (blow dryers, hair straighteners, etc.), dirty things that have worn out their welcome (old makeup brushes, foundation sponges, etc.), and old toothbrushes, towels and wash cloths. You get the idea. Then week two can be designated for your kitchen, and so on. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!


“Simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in a complex world.”

~Oscar Wilde





-Oxford dictionary

-mybreezyroom.com (minimalism)

-simplelionheartlife.com (minimalist lifestyle)

-moneyunder30.com (minimalist living)

-theminimalists.com (minimalism)

-medium.com (real life resilience/the beauty of simplicity)

-thriveglobal.com (human beings, not human doings)

     Hello again. Today we are discussing our psoas muscle and how it relates to low back pain. Let’s start by explaining what the psoas muscle is. The psoas muscle is located in the lower lumbar region of the spine, extends through the pelvis to the femur and is part of the iliopsoas muscle group. This muscle works by flexing the hip joint and lifting the upper leg towards the body. A common example of the movement created from this muscle is walking. So, you can probably understand how keeping it in optimal shape would be especially important.

Symptoms of a tight psoas can be:

Who experiences tightness of their psoas? Office workers and athletes tend to be the most affected. This is because the tightness is caused by overuse, regular limited movement, trauma (whether physical or emotional), and sitting for long periods of time. Due to its location deep within the core of the body, the psoas muscle instinctively tightens up when we feel stress or fear. For some people, learning to let go of the tension in their psoas can be an intense emotional process. But understand that anyone can experience tightness of the psoas muscle and the pain associated with it.

Lower back pain generally involves the psoas muscle in some form or fashion. The main task of the psoas muscle is to stabilize the lower back when you lift the knee upward. Additionally, the psoas is vital for balance and you commonly exercise it whenever you walk or bend forward. Whenever the psoas muscle contracts, it pulls the spine into a condition known as hyperlordosis (when the inward curve of the spine in your lower back is exaggerated). Basically, the muscle pulls and shortens the spine into an over-arched position. Understandably, this puts a lot of stress on your spinal muscles. Muscles are not the only affected tissues, however. Psoas contraction strains vertebral joints as well. This is ultimately what causes the painful symptoms associated with the condition because the vertebral compression affects spinal nerve roots. This results in nerve pain and it is this kind of nerve pain that allows the discomfort to spread.

So, how do we rehabilitate psoas dysfunction? Massage therapy can be really good for alleviating the pain associated with tightness of the psoas. But actual rehabilitation will require additional steps. Many health professionals agree that a great psoas release technique, at least in the beginning, is constructive rest. Constructive rest is a way of lying down in a semi-supine position (on the back with the knees bent, and feet flat on the floor) that promotes good spinal alignment and release of excess tension. Medically, there’s a lot going on in constructive rest, but you’re not doing it. You just allow it to happen. Ultimately, though, certain physical exercises do the most good. These exercises are often demonstrated by a doctor in an outpatient office and at home. These exercises will include active and passive spine, hip joints, and psoas muscles manipulation and stretching. Exercises at home can include stretching and lower-impact dynamic exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the supporting musculature and allow the body to repair the injury. According to The Cleveland Clinic, it is particularly important that most of these exercises be done only with guidance of your doctor (a chiropractor is a great choice) so that you do not further injure your psoas or any other muscles.



-Clevelandclinic.org (tight psoas management and treatment)

-Somaticmovementcenter.com (psoas muscle release/tight psoas muscle)

-Verywellfit.com (helping your tight psoas)

-Advancedptinpa.com (iliopsoas and back pain)

-Theadvancedspinecenter.com (role of psoas muscle in lower back pain)

It’s June! You know what that means… beach vacations, backyard BBQs and pool parties!!! Most of us look forward to this time of year and all the warm sunny weather that it brings. But if this describes you, chances are at any given minute you are armed with a sunscreen that boasts a hefty SPF. How can I blame you when the mainstream media and all the big box stores have told you for years that you need to slather this stuff on any time you go into the warm summer sun? Don’t be alarmed, but these sources are notorious for not telling the whole truth about sunscreen. So, let’s chat.

“After decades of public health education, almost anyone who is heading outdoors has heard the message that sunscreen is an important part of protecting skin from sunburns, aging, and skin cancer. In fact, sun care is a nearly $2 billion-a-year industry in the U.S.” This is according to an article that WebMD put out in January of this year. New FDA testing shows that six of the most common ingredients found in leading sunscreens (avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, homosalate, octisalate, and ecamsule) are absorbed directly into our bloodstreams and may linger for a period of days up to weeks. Some of these ingredients are known to disrupt hormones and may lead to fertility issues, unsafe birth outcomes for infants and possibly even cancer.

It’s important to remember that sunscreen has been around for a very long time. Many health experts agree that it essentially got grandfathered into the FDA’s surveillance system without any real safety testing. That is why we’re doing more testing now. Of the six common ingredients mentioned earlier, four of them (avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule) were recently found to be absorbed into our bodies in substantial amounts. The same study that gave us this information also showed that blood concentrations of oxybenzone in people who used chemical sunscreen were more than 180 times the FDA’s level of concern after just a single application. Separate FDA research has shown that this rate of chemical absorption can have potentially toxic ramifications such as altered breast development, infant birth weight, and sperm function. A healthier alternative to these chemical sunscreens is something called “mineral sunscreen.” Mineral-based sunscreens use physical blockers such as zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide which form an actual barrier on your skin and reflect the UV rays. They offer no harmful chemicals that can be absorbed into our bloodstream.

While I am not telling you to stop using chemical sunscreen, I’m letting you know that the benefits do not appear to outweigh the associated risks at this time. Another possibility I’d like you to consider is that perhaps sun exposure is not the enemy here. I passionately believe that our personal quality of health directly impacts how sun exposure affects us individually. For example, the higher the level of toxins we have in our bodies, the more prone to sun damage that we will be. Let me go out on a limb here and put it in these terms: I believe that it’s not the sun that gives us cancer, it’s the sun’s interaction with our unique body chemistry that may compromise us in the long run. This is just another one of the multitude of reasons to pay closer attention to your health.

Let us also remember that moderate sun exposure has benefits, too. Sunlight cues special areas in the retina, which trigger the release of serotonin (the key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness). This means that sunlight is a natural anti-depressant. Healthline.com notes that getting five to fifteen minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands and face two to three times a week is enough to enjoy the vitamin D-boosting benefits of the sun. Vitamin D from sun exposure plays a key role in our bone health and can help ward off conditions like osteoporosis and osteomalacia. And although excessive sunlight can contribute to some skin cancers, a moderate amount of sunlight actually has preventive benefits when it comes to other forms of cancer. According to researchers at the Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology, those who live in areas with fewer daylight hours are more likely to have some specific cancers than those who live where there’s more sun during the day. These cancers include:

In summary, the sun is not our enemy. Sunscreens that are heavily concentrated with chemicals such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule have potentially toxic risks since these chemicals are absorbed by our bodies in significant amounts and tend to linger. By contrast, mineral sunscreens simply sit on top of our skin and reflect UV rays away from our bodies and are, therefore, a safer alternative. The healthier you are, the less likely that the sun’s interaction with your personal body chemistry will be harmful. And lastly, moderate responsible sun exposure can have some great benefits. These include boosted levels of serotonin and Vitamin D and possibly some preventive characteristics when it comes to certain forms of cancer.

So do your detoxification cleanses, grab your shades and mineral sunscreen and go enjoy your summer!!!



-WebMD.com (skin problems and treatments)

-MedicalXpress.com (sunscreen chemicals and bloodstream)

-Healthline.com (sunlight benefits)


-Shape.com (mineral sunscreens, natural alternatives)